About Us
Naad Pargaas, a registered NGO of scholars, researchers, teachers and students, is working in the field of higher education and academic research for the past ten years with its head office situated at Sri Amritsar.
Our Mission and vision
- To envisage blossoming experience of Sri Guru Granth Sahib in all sacred traditions of world and hence search for the ‘transparent metaphysics.’
- To outline academic idiom inspired by Shabad-Naam relationship embracing the philosophical and literary traditions of the world.
- To recognize and appreciate the genuine academic effort in any field, by any individual or institution, trying to facilitate Shabad-Naam relationship directly or indirectly.
- To define and hence theorize the religious and secular dimensions of Sikhi integrated with the historical evolution and mythological involution.
- To make efforts for establishment of an independent Research Institute intending to study Sikhism from various standpoints.
- To promote research aptitude and evolve research culture among Sikh students as an integral part of their education.
- To encourage the involvement of young students of Punjab into intellectual exercise in tuned with contemporary discourse of national and international academy.
- To provide the opportunity to young researchers for intellectual exercise in the field of higher education.
- To create a sharing space for different types of disciplines and arts. (such as Philosophy, Literature, Language, Music, Painting etc.)
- To work for the foundations of Sikh Civil Society.

Promoting Research in Universities; Training of Doctoral, M. Phil. and Post Graduation Students; Teaching Programs, Publications, Conferences, Seminars, Book Discussions, Kavi Darbars etc.; Combining the Sikh Spirituality with Literary and Philosophical Traditions in academics.